Thursday, 28 February 2019

exam practice clash magazine

Clash magazine is portrayed in a monochrome and de-saturated, to depict the  seriousness behind the artists that are being portrayed. Clash aim to venerate their musicians and present a simple atmosphere and design so the main splash is focused on the artists themselves. The magazine uses barely any cover lines and clear white writing which gives this originality over other music magazine, and shows the artist is the main centre of visual image. The musicians are seen in an abstract light with their faces not fully on show, this gives it a   twist and will ensure their readers will recognise their magazine and it is unique compared to the common ones on the market. 

the mast head is in sans-serif font and it bold in capitals which connotes the seriousness and formality of the magazine itself and the professional approach they have towards the music industry. 'Clash' only features one image on its front cover which shows the importance of that image and forces the reader to only focus on this musician. 

in the 1975 cover it shows a 'moody' atmosphere connoting how the band try to be  perceived also giving an insight to their music genre and taste which may interest the reader. The magazine shows clear momentous in how their covers are perceived, the 'living in darkness' cover shows how Clash' we cant see the musicians face, which is original and might draws the reader towards the magazine through its uniqueness compared to other magazines in the industry, conveying a darker atmosphere.  

Wednesday, 6 February 2019


The Lego movie ad break interperates a lot of brands in Lego pieces themselves, using it as a away to promote the movie, also portraying ADs in a unique way and interesting the viewer more as ADs are usually perceived as tedious and boring. The AD break uses a lot of popular brands which are well-known across the country like and premier inn these create a engagement from the viewer and advertises the movie also, further conveying the Lego Movies main attraction. although they are promoting professional companies and brands therefore are aimed at different age group, broadening their target audience and introducing the diversity of age, helping people of all ages familiarise themselves with the game/toys. it interpreters real life in a alternative way which is different and also shows real life aspects so it is recognisable. Warner Brothers is a trusted brand to represent these other brands and promote them in a way that is effective and will benefit the company in which they can rely on Warner Brothers to do so. we see Emmett portray as a normal citizen not in a particularly masculine way which makes us believe we can be like him and be the 'hero' - 'saving the say' which overall interests children. gender diversity is illustrated with the use of destroying a patriarchal society which was the case decades ago- WyldsStyle is presented as a strong independent women and is seen as powerful in amongst other characters, this depicts women in a positive light and demonstrates to the younger generation how  gender equality is a prominent part of society.

Monday, 4 February 2019


The Observer tackles hard issues such as 'attacks' and 'killings' addressing difficult situations and writing about the circumstances portraying it to their readers. They also portray international news, in which they widen their target audience by illustrating news from all over the world, in which readers can know what going on in other countries.They also convey stories about all interests and hobbies meaning more people would be interested, and would read their articles. they also use modern technology to involve all age ranges and involve younger readers and audiences.


In the 1960s Britain was used to a patriarchal society in which men were superior and 'stronger'. the Avengers challenges this stereotype and gives women a new sense of identity through the main female role Emma Peel. it was uncommon for women to have such a prominent role on TV Emma Peel being a strong female lead, illustrates the drastic change in gender equality at the time. We see Emma living in a large flat on her own in London, with is done-up, this portrays her as a successful character and a young women who is independent, doesn't need a man to rely on and can easily look after herself. We even see her connote more sporty characteristics which were seen as only for men at the time, for example fencing- in which Emma challenges Steed, showing how Women are men's equal as she gives a strong fight almost beating Steed, in the end we see her loose to steed showing the rise in equality but also demonstrating how men are still slightly superior and we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. when she walks away Steed slaps her bottom, this conveys the dominance at the time as in modern times this would be harassment and go straight to the police, whereas this is normal as men often sexualised women and they could do nothing about it, as this is the way they were perceived at the time. 

Steed also asks Emma to get him some tea, she immediately rejects his offer and tells him to 'go get it himself' this was a big shock for people at the time as may peoples views were that women belonged in the kitchen, looking after her children and cooking for the men. this showed how women were beginning to retain a voice and that men could no longer tell them what to do, as Emma depicts a powerful young women who gets what she wants. The Avengers clearly challenges this stereotype as this kind of comment would shock the audience of this time as women classically did exactly what men wanted. 

Emma Peel is also represented in tight outfits, leather etc. which sexualise her showing how men saw women at the time, and what they were seen as. this follows clear stereotypes of the 1960s and how men were towards women in society which at the time was completely acceptable for a man to treat a women this way, which meets the classic actions of a typical man in the 1960s.