Monday 13 November 2017

Music videos - codes and conventions

  1. erformance - the singer / band are seen to be playing, to provide authenticity, so that followers believe in the talent and can see their star. Record labels sign stars and promote them  to ensure sales.
  2. Star - use of close-ups, sometimes direct eye contact with audience, to build relationship with audience
  3. The visuals (what the star and other characters are seen doing) illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics (the 'story in the words'). Illustration = the visuals play out the story more or less literally; amplify = the words in the lyrics are only the starting point and the story develops in other directions; contradiction / disjuncture = the visuals do not interpret the words of the lyrics and may even show something contradictory.
  4. The narrative usually features the performer in 'real life' situations but often with experimental types of film making such as hand-held, dramatic camera angles, symbolic codes and lighting
  5. The visuals are usually cut to the beat of the music; the editing is often fast-paced; there is often use of montage, ellipsis and intercutting, stylish effects
  6. Refrain - repeated chorus, sometimes with variations
  7. Intertextuality - references to other media, films, performances, events

in the performance Avril lavigne is playing with a band accompanying her. they illegally park in the middle of the road and start a concert, with members of the public (who are clearly fans) crowding around the car. whilst standing on top of the car she using a microphone to sing and has a guitar, bass and rums in the back. this is promoting their band as if you havent seen them before and heard them in public you might see them and like their music. they could also be in the newspaper because of the police showing up.

avril lavigne uses closeups when she is singing into the microphone, and zoom shot into her and birds eye shots from high up of the scene and how many thousands of people a crowded round the car the see the band perform. direct eye contact makes you feel as if the song connects more with you and the star is connecting with you.

in the music video many people skate and obviously the song is about a 'sk8ter boi' is portrays how the youth in those days acted. it plays a story of how a group of people who were just friends and liked to hang out and skate could create such amazing talent. the lyrics are sometimes not relevant as sometimes she sings about a story that isnt happening in the actual video.

Theres a hand held camera as if one of their friends are filming them directly, theres zooms and professional angles of a proper camera. there are shaky angle where the camera looks as if it is almost being moved by avril herself. 

there are more faster clips and action clips when the beat gets faster and when the chorus is introduced, at the start it is quiet and calm and then the music kicks in and the whole video and actions the people tarring in it are taking generally gets faster as a whole.

there are many repeated choruses towards the end where the song buids and builds towatds the end, to make it 3 minutes and to add more effect and to repeat it so people get it stuck in  their heads more and can enjoy the best part of it for longer.

this is filmed a few years ago as you can tell because of the old video production and how they are dressed as that was the fashion at that time as 'punks' and it was popular to dress this way as a teenager a good few years back.

Wednesday 1 November 2017


In one of the first scenes we see the head constable giving a speech to the majority of the police department. mise-en-scene takes place here in the costumes. you can  see everyone wearing their uniform and white gloves all standing in a line smartly. this shows the importance of the scene and the importance and maturity the police men/women must have while listening to the speech. the lighting is darker, as it is more serious in this particular scene.

With parts of the beach scene also taking place during this although it is a significantly different scene. during the nudist and stag beach scene they all have very different props to make the scene seem more exaggerated. the people who are attending the stag have viking hats on, represents strong, independent men, acting as bravado. the nudists only have a towel to cover them-selves which symbolizes their lack of dignity at this point and why the people at the stag die are mocking them, which obviously makes them aggravated.

Monday 30 October 2017


Cuffs is action and mystery show, one to grab your attention. the shots demonstrate where we should be paying attention and decide the scene, and how the viewers see the character. in the first part the shots a close up, this shows the characters emotion closer, this indicates it is clearly an important part to that particular scene e.g. when Jake and Ryan were saving the man who had taken the drugs. the camera angle changes during action, it moves faster to create suspense and warning.
a establishing shot is casted over Brighton , giving a strong introduction, with a clear view of the surroundings.
by doing these shots it makes the audience understand how the characters are feeling more and whats suppose to be going on.
cameras angles can also be used from certain characters view, e.g. when the police were chasing people they made the angles shaky, to seem like we were in the policeman's head, seeing what he was seeing.


Avengers is a old show, and demonstrates many different aspects within the show.
1) feminism was just starting rise, this is shown where the women in the show seem to be competing with the men, wear trousers, and do sports in which they compete with men, and are smart being the main role in the show.
2) The male won the fencing fight, and often wins most things. yet the woman is portrayed as very smart.
3) Technology plays a big part in the show. how Emma shows up in a sports car, also showing her class.
4) Everyone has something to hide, nobody seems normal.
5) There are comedic elements, jokes the characters make with each other as well as actions.
6) its a fiction and everything is unusual, thats why viewers find the show exciting. - escapism to a world that isn't really there.


In the beginning of cuffs the action of the characters grad the audiences attention immediately. being more of a action show, cuffs makes people want to watch more, with the intensity of the scenes. during the opening, it could be seen a humorous or interesting, basically, people want to see the outcome of the situation the police is put in straight away. this shows you the daily complications he has to deal with in his job. The beginning aims to leave you on edge, so you'll watch the rest of it.
it shows how different Ryan and Jake's approaches are and how Ryan's experience helps him a lot throughout his job.
the show itself demonstrates the amount of difference in people, and in how they live their lives. e.g the man on drugs, the police men, the man who gets stabbed.
i feel as if cuffs should be after the watershed, because of the ongoing violence and the tragicness of many of the scenes and how they would affect children mentally.

Thursday 12 October 2017

exam q5

The social context includes the setting, sounds and the place where a film/ TV show is set, leaving the audience with a idea of from when the movie was aired and was brought out. in the avengers there is no color, which signify the fact the show is old and gives more of a blander texture to the film itself. 
In the show it has small hints that men are more superior of women, and suggests it is in the middle 19th century because of this. in the show it is seen that men are the bosses and that they always win. at that time 'The Avengers' was one of the only shows with a women as a main character and women were only just beginning to have a voice at this time.
The clothes worn in the show are also very old-fashioned. although this is when Britain was modernizing and developing in the country we know today it still hadn't changed dramatically.
there are many social aspects of 'The Avengers' that suggests its in a earlier time.

exam q2

The extract shows how police men try to take control and makes the audience watching feel sorry for him. At the start 2 groups are both fighting things quickly getting out of hand. from the police men's point of view it seems for him, a chaotic circumstance. Even though the 2 groups are being hysterical he stays calm and doesnt take real action until one of the people tries shoves him out the way. In this instance the police must feel fed up and aggravated with the nudists and stag party members.

The police must feel as if the situation is unfair, were he is trying to be a respectable police men and 
not try cause anymore commotion to the fight. He is trying to stay calm and collected when there is only 1 of him and around 7 of the people included in the fight.

exam q1

how is sound in the extract to create meaning?

Sound is ones of the key elements of most movies and TV shows. they are used to create the understanding for the audience, as well as the depth within the shows to create a vivid image for the audience, to grab their attention.
This is demonstrated in the scene where the police men is trying to control the nudists and the people from the stag party. in this scene the tension rises and the music helps to create this feeling. the sound effects include music which gets progressively higher, rising towards a dramatic beat drop.
This would attract people attention as they would think something exciting is going to happen and they want to  know how the ending plans out, in the event that is taking place.
It also happens when the man is in the shop and is about to get shot. the sound effects include low sudden beats, to hint to the audience something dramatic is about to happen.

Thursday 21 September 2017

televison scheduling

BBC1 Sunday 10 September 9 p.m. - strike
BBC1 Monday 11 September 9 p.m. -rellik
BBC1 Tuesday 12 September 9 p.m. – doctor foster
BBC1 Wednesday 13 September 9 p.m. – how to stay young
BBC1 Thursday 14 September 9 p.m. - ambulance
BBC1 Friday 15 September 9 p.m. – celebrity MasterChef
BBC1 Saturday 10 September 9 p.m. – casualty