Monday 30 October 2017


In the beginning of cuffs the action of the characters grad the audiences attention immediately. being more of a action show, cuffs makes people want to watch more, with the intensity of the scenes. during the opening, it could be seen a humorous or interesting, basically, people want to see the outcome of the situation the police is put in straight away. this shows you the daily complications he has to deal with in his job. The beginning aims to leave you on edge, so you'll watch the rest of it.
it shows how different Ryan and Jake's approaches are and how Ryan's experience helps him a lot throughout his job.
the show itself demonstrates the amount of difference in people, and in how they live their lives. e.g the man on drugs, the police men, the man who gets stabbed.
i feel as if cuffs should be after the watershed, because of the ongoing violence and the tragicness of many of the scenes and how they would affect children mentally.

1 comment:

  1. mark: 0/10
    1.Go back to the class blog post of Thursday 5 October when this work was set and supposed to be done.
    2. Copy out the title correctly at the top of your own work to guide you in your answer.
    3. Write half a page of precise, specific examples, points and analysis, as required in the prep task description.
    4. Write about what makes the audience feel sympathy for the police and why their job is often demanding and sometimes dangerous.
    5. Give examples of when the criminals / public come across as unpleasant, dangerous, needy, devious.
    6. Explain the effect of the opening voiceover. What is comedic about it? What noble ideals does the super outline?
    7. In conclusion, where do your sympathies lie?
