Monday 19 March 2018


this magazine presents a clear image of what is trying to bold. Firstly we have the main splash, who is the biggest aspect of the cover, this- to attract his fans and people whom might know him to the magazine. His head is covering the masthead, covering the magazine company, seeing as this particular magazine is well-known readers subsequently know what the name is- so this is generally not as important. To the left of the main splash we have his name, with a white outline, this makes in stand out in the black background and make this certain feature jump out to people who glance at this cover, it is also moderately big text.

The strap-line across the top conveys another big artist and name to intise readers in, a picture is featured, small but noticeable as designers tend to put important things in the top right and left hand corners as it is said to be where people look first. we have a pug which is a small insight to something featured within the articles and contents of the inside of the magazine, grabbing the eye because of the 'symbol' idea. there is a banner on the right, in bright yellow, the accent colour- this standing out in the 'red, white and black theme' that this cover is based upon. Rarely we have this understated colour of black and white in a magazine cover due to trying to stand out and making covers bold, bright. designers sometimes do this with big artists due to the fact they can make up for not having it bold, due to their huge fan base and being well-known. The cover-lines are justified to the sides of the magazines, most four deck cover-lines, various ones with words in bold and capitals, making this the most important part of the deck, summarizing and grabbing people attention. this is used to connote the idea of making things bigger and bolder- making readers more likely to read them and not the rest of the information.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 2 out of 5. Whilst you have done good analysis of the detail in the media language (well done), aim to see the bigger picture as this question is about representation.
    Your focus needs to be more on the representation (= how he /they come across?)
    Use blog guidance to improve: see
