Thursday, 24 January 2019


Mojo conveys musicians according to their music and the person they are, this artist focusing on reggae is portrayed in bright, bold colours to compliment his heritage and music. The main colours being yellow, red and green reflects some of the colours from the Jamaican flag.
There are cover lines used justified to the right to give the readers an insight into the articles featured. one reads 'the self-destruction blues' this dramatic wording makes the reader more interested in what the article is about. it also features 'riot grrrl manifesto' this violent language portrays a sense of chaos which makes the events more exciting for the reader.
the main focus of he magazine cover portrays Bob Marley and his heritage, this shows how Mojo works to venerate musicians by Bob Marley's prominent centre of visual intrest, and being the main splash.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 2 out of 5
    Red, yellow and green are the Jamaican colours associated with reggae. You don't really develop any points on how Bob Marley is represented but should draw attention to Marley's relaxed, open, warm, friendly representation.
    He is shot in natural light.
    The crumpled monochrome photograph of Jamaican sound systems suggests that Jamaican Reggae comes out of poverty and has an authenticity due to these roots.
    The selection of a photograph of highly decorated sound systems suggests that Jamaican Reggae comes out of a folk tradition with a rich heritage of creativity
