Sunday, 3 March 2019


The observer shows a clear focus on photographs within  features of there articles, illustrated by the lack of text and the simple layout that each article is most recognisable to their picture, showing a more modern example and presenting more of a tabloid layout in contrast to the regular broadsheet newspapers people are used too.

we see the clear priorities and leading stories on the cover of the observer, shown in bold text, san-serif font which connotes seriousness and importance. With one of the big stories featured being focused around brexit- this depicts how Britain prioritise these political issues as it interests their readers.

The front cover represents racial diversity in which it shows international issues and portrays a multi-cultural country in which will widen the mass target audience. There is also gender diversity showing a lot of articles featuring women which presents The Observer as modern and demonstrates the social contexts. this is shown thorough the us of 'sport' women who is seen running, this is anti-stereotypical and connotes and gender diverse paper.

the fact this paper is shown in a 'tweet' shows the modern view and how The Observer are trying to incorporate and interest a younger audience scale and ensure they are age diverse. this can also promote their article by sharing it online,with younger generations being able to do so, in which it will be advertised more and maybe interest people all over the social media platform also.

1 comment:

  1. Marks 6 + 3 = 9 .
    Level 2 (4–6 marks)
    An adequate application of the relevant elements of the theoretical framework and media contexts.
    • A competent and generally accurate analysis of mostly relevant aspects of the extract supported by some examples; responses may be descriptive in parts.
    Level 2 (2–3 marks)
    A partially clear judgement and conclusion is reached and is partially supported by the analysis.
    There is a line of reasoning presented with some structure. The information presented is in the most-part relevant and supported by some evidence.
