Wednesday 21 February 2018

cuffs q2

analyse how far the extract depicts the police's point of view rather than the criminals' point of view.

throughout this extract there are more close ups and generally more appearances of the police. This shows how the creators are trying to get the audience to pick up on their emotion and their actions within this situation. There are further shots of the criminals, showing how they are less important, and we are just watching the policemen and women's reaction to the events that have just taken place. we also go onto see how the  police carry onto catch the criminals. initially the story shows is from the police's point of view and how they catch the criminals, not how the criminals escape. 

There are also mask worn by the criminals, this showing how the audience can't 'get to know' them as such, because of their hidden personalities, and less of a characterization. Their masks represent the criminal's want to stay hidden. We only see their actions towards the police and barely anyone else, showing how the focus is mainly on the two policewomen who are at the crime scene.

The music playing in the background of the extract starts when the police start to chase the crimnals, this indicates how the action and intensity only starts when the police get involved and when they get involved in the scene, it also shows the criminals lack of point of view, how they don't tell the story, the police do showing how we follow the policemen and women's journies throughtout this particular situation.


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  2. Mark 8 out of 10
    1. Good understanding shown in your first paragraph and subsequent paragraphs.
    2. Identify run-on sentences and aim to improve this aspect of your punctuation.
