Thursday 4 January 2018


Analyse how genre codes have been used in The Lego Movie -

 obviously the most important part of the poster is the title,  this grabs peoples attention and tells the reader/ viewer what the main idea of the poster is about and what movie it is advertising. The title tells you what the movie is about and sets the whole idea of the poster itself. in this particular movie the title is 3D which is particularly eye catching adding in the element of it being made with lego blocks relating to the film.

following the title, the second most important part is the 'tagline', this gives insight to the movie and tries to intise you in to watch/ read. the tagline sets the whole scene of the movie and often is the thing that tells people the most about the story line, it is a very important thing to get right as it needs to be short, yet summing up the whole idea your trying to portray. the particular tagline of the Lego movie is "a story of a nobody who saved everybody" - this has a element of humor in it adding to the appeal of the audience, as the film is humorous itself it hints on that also. this relates to people as well, as majority of people who will watch this movie wont be famous they will relate to being a 'nobody' and will be able to relate the the main character, Emmett himself, especially kids feeling as if they can look up to him and (although unrealistic) they can rescue the world like he did in the story.

next is the 'central image', this is an image from the movie which sums out the surroundings and needs to be vibrant and interesting so it catches peoples eyes on billboards etc. i feel as if this gives the most insight to what the movie is actually like, as it sets the scene and lets peoples imaginations picture what it will look like or picture the scenes etc. in this poster the picture involves the main characters being at the front, so the audience know who is the main part of the story. This particular image is very crowed yet bold and shows you all the characters and slowly fades out to the lesser main roles, so you still know who is involved.

 what i missed. 

an action based film.
relates to superhero genres including batman, superman, wonder woman and the green lantern in the poster.
it catches peoples eye by including flying cars superheros to show again its an action movie also.
this create intrigue and enigma and a hook for a family audience to watch the movie.
the star performers names on the character posters gave been made prominent to attract a wide ranging audience and appeal to fans.
lord business shows a clear face of rage in his close up, this giving you an insight to the character and his personality. whereas in wyldstyle's close up she show a strong heroic character who is confident due to her smirk, she also is a female icon in the movie itself,. this implies the different character types have been chosen by media producers, to appeal to an inclusive, large family audience.

The media contexts for these genre codes- 
the contemporary post-feminist context- reflected in hollywood family film advertising and marketing- sppeals to global, modern, inclusive families and society.
the importance of genre hybridity and the merging of the film franchises (the DC superheros and lego to reach ever larger audiences. 

1 comment:

  1. Q. 9: mark 5 out of 10
    1. You make several relevant points about genre codes, such as the movie title, and draw attention to its 3D quality and 'Lego' build.
    2. You understand how the tagline functions to stress how such an 'ordinary character' as Emmet can succeed and you relate that to audience appeal, identifying with Emmet, as ordinary would-be heroes themselves.
    3. You note the vibrancy of the images and the bold bright colours. Comment on the explosions, the recognizable Lego branding.
    4. You should describe the familiarity of Superheroes as an appeal.
    5. Write separate paragraph for the ensemble poster and the other 4, which you should refer to in detail, not just the Emmet poster.
