Thursday 25 January 2018


the reader could relate to these stories as they are all about humans and their experiences, this lets people either relate or be able to show some emotion for the person, immediately grabbing their attention. the text in the front page includes a lot of dramatic language, which helps to keep the reader engaged and find more interesting things to read  and find certain topics their interested in. Particularly the articles feature a bright maroon colour, this indicates the important of the stories and catches your eye when scrolling past the page, therefore making you want to look and read it. Humans are often quite nosy and interested in what happening in other people lives, or just the news, its a human instinct to want to know whats going on around us. This news article also includes bright picture that link to the story, giving an insight to what you could read. The titles are more bold than the sub text, this- makes it clear for the audience. The page doesn't involve too much text, this is important as many people who don't enjoy reading long passages, don't feel as if they want to read something that is particularly long, so pictures will intise them in more than sub text about what its about although this is a feature under each story.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 1 out of 5
    Whilst you make several sensible general points, such as about human interest stories and emotion, perhaps you did not really understand that you needed to analyse specific uses of language from the online extract given. For instance, can you pick out examples of hyperbolic, emotive or sympathetic language? Use of metaphor? Concerns with gender politics or social diversity? How is photography used?
    As this is a print copy of online news, you are expected to understand that online content has hyperlinks and that each story can be opened. Therefore, your comments about the news articles not having "too much text" is misinformed. Each article is actually substantial, as befits a paper of this quality.
